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Question: Does the public library purchase books!?
If you self publish a book can the public library buy it from you or do you donate it for free!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
As a librarian who has worked in both public and academic libraries, I can tell you that it all depends on the library's policies!.

You can send a note to the acquisitions librarian telling him/her about your book and why you think it would fit the library's collection!. If it's a self-published book on a topic of local interest (local history or genealogy), there is an excellent chance that your public library would purchase it!. In that case I'd also recommend that you notify some of the larger public and even academic libraries in your state, since they are quite interested in works on local & state history from whatever source!.

If it's a self-published novel your chances are less good!. In fact, even if you donate your book your library may not add it to the collection!. Librarians learn early that "for free isn't free," as there are costs associated with processing and cataloging books!.

Whatever your work, and whether you're trying to sell it or give it away, emphasize the fact that you are a local author!. That alone creates some local interest!.

Chick commented that in her workplace, donated books are represented by a "non-searchable generic record" in the catalog!. This has not been my experience!. Every library I have worked in fully catalogs every book chosen for the collection!. (And in most cases makes the record available worldwide through OCLC WorldCat!.) That is after all why libraries hire catalogers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The librarians receive checklists through a pre-chosen vendor, which they use tax-payer money to purchase from!. The likelihood of a library buying your book is next to none unless it shows up on that checklist or is provided through that vendor!. If you have your heart set on seeing it on the library shelf, donation is best!. But even then, the procedure is to put donated books on a non-searchable generic record within the catalog!. We've had this happen a few times where I work!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I wouldn't be surprised if they would buy your book -- IF it's content has something to do with the local area!. You might get more 'cred' if you just donate a copy and ask them to put it on the shelf with the newly acquired books where people like to find the latest reading!.

Let's face it!. We don't write for the money, do we!? It is all about the satisfaction of 'having written', isn't it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

It depends on where you live!. In my neighborhood it's up to the individual library, but in some cities there is one group that selects books for the libraries throughout the city!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some!. Some of the books in the public library was bought and some of it was donated by other people or by a book company!.!.!.!.!. I hope that my answer satisfied your question!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The public library per se doesn't have that power as it it is run by the County Councils!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They buy books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

