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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Are there novels similar to the Indiana Jones movies?

Question: Are there novels similar to the Indiana Jones movies!?
I wanna read i guess would be described as an adventure novel!. Something that talks about the old ancient myths like the city of gold, shangri'la, maybe atlantis!? I've already know about dirk pitt, so dont have to mention that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
One book that I read recently that covers some of what you are looking for is Seven Deadly Wonders by Matthew Reilly!.

Several nations are in a quest to find the Capstone, and ancient artifact that will allow the finder to gain absolute power over earth!. Jack West Jr!. and a small team of commandos are out to prevent these nations from taking that power!. To do so, he must find and explore the seven ancient wonders of the world in his search for clues about the whereabouts of these wonders!. Along the way, this team embarks on a global journey filled with booby-trapped mines, stupendous ancient wonders, gigantic evil forces, and adventure beyond imagination!.

The story is full of action, world travel and enough mythology and intrigue that should keep you satisfied!.

Once you have finished this, I recommend other books by Matthew Reilly, such as Ice Station, Area 7 and Contest!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Anything by H!. Rider Haggard!.
Lots of stuff by Rudyard Kipling!.
Robin Cook's 'Sphinx!.'
Donald Westlake's 'Kahawa!.'

Per Shangri-La specifically, try 'Lost Horizon,' by James Hilton!.Www@QuestionHome@Com