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Question: Breaking Dawn Preface!?
Who do you think is killing bella!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I've been giving this a lot of thought and I'm not sure if it means death in the physical sense!. I think that maybe it might mean death in a metaphorical sense and Edward is about to make her a vampire but Bella has suddenly changed her mind last minute and doesn't really know how to run away from her decision!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that the person who is trying to kill Bella is, Jacob!
Because well she loves him, and it could possibly be her chasing him when she turns into a vampire! That would be interesting, and just great!. Very excited!! Knowing me I'll probably skip and try to find out LOL!. Ya or just a werewolf!.!.!.from La push!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nooo!.!.!.Bella can't die!!.!.well!.!.!.Probably the Volturi, for obvious reasons!. or Jacob!.
Jacob because maybe he got got one of his wolf-rages and became overcome with jealousy of Edward, and while knowing that he couldn't possibly take out Ed, then maybe going for Bella!?
AH! This is gonna drive me insane!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think wat kill bella is that jake is not in forks also she doesn't have her truck no more and people are looking at her new car also the wedding n her black cedit card n people are talking about the wedding 2Www@QuestionHome@Com