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Question: Help starting book club!?
help!!! I wanted to start a book club but just a few of my friends like to actually read there are some girls in ballet class who love to read but im only 11 and they're like 13 it isn't like we can drive all around town picking up everybody and i cant start my own public group with strangers im only 11 so help meWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Maybe the three of you can meet up at one's house or at your local library!. Or even share thoughts/feelings of the book through email/group chat!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why not use a group email account to record your comments!? You could open a gmail account or similar that you and your friends know the username and password for, and you could share your comments there!.
Or perhaps your parents could drop you all off at the library or a coffee shop for an hour or so while they go grocery shopping once a week!? Or, if you go to the same school, ask if you can use the school library or a classroom during lunch break one day a week/month!?
I think you have a great idea and hope that it works out for you!. Lots of luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

mann i wish i could be in that club

but i have the same problems as you do because im 14 and my friends are just stuck on guys and hangin out not really into books like iam

hope it goes well thoughWww@QuestionHome@Com