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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Are there any Frank Perreti fans out there?

Question: Are there any Frank Perreti fans out there!?
So far I have read Monster andHouse and I am currently reading Prophet!. I believe that he is an excellant novelist!. What do you like about his books and how did you discover them!? I can't seem to put any of them down!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes, I've enjoyed his books!. I found out about him years ago when he was being interviewed on TV!. The two first I read of his books were Piercing the Darkness and This Present Darkness!. I couldn't put them down, either!.

One of his best is The Oath, in my opinion!. The Visitation was good, the Cooper Kids Adventure series was very good and his Veritas Project books (Hangman's Curse and Nightmare Academy) are also good!.

I enjoy his works, because he writes a really good supernatural thriller!. He knows how to paint a rather scary picture, but it's always unusual and interesting!. He reminds me of an old-fashioned storyteller; the kind who used to travel around in Medieval times telling epic and frightening stories to various noblemen!.Www@QuestionHome@Com