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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I have a prompt that I need to continue writing from?

Question: I have a prompt that I need to continue writing from!?
And I just need some ideas about what happens because I'm out!. Okay, here's the prompt: There are two girls who are forced to make a speech someone else pre-wrote, and they don't want to make it!. So, they try to work very hard to mess it up!. How would they do that!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
they talk in weird voices
they insert dirty words into the speech, then pretend they misread it
they have a coughing/sneezing fit
one hits the other on the nose and she gets a nosebleed all over the speech so it cant be read
they do it in song
they try to paraphrase it all into rhymed couplets
they try to say in in mirror language (backwards)
they pretend they dont speak english
they eat it
they pretend they are blind, and therefore cant read the speech
they pretend to think that they can fly off the stage, and attempt to
they shout it so their voices blow out the speakers
they shoplift and get arrested (they couldn't read it from jail)
they say they cant do it because theyre reciting norwegian verbsWww@QuestionHome@Com

one of the girl s would pretend to faint and the other would whisper the words and wear a bathing suit under a large trench coat!.!.!.!.:)good luckWww@QuestionHome@Com