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Question: Poems for mothers- to- be!?
Does anyone know any poems for a mother -to -be!? Or know where I may be able to find one!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'd reccomend the "Chicken noodle soup for the mother's soul"

Hope that helped!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Here is a beautiful collection: "Mothersongs" http://www!.niederngasse!.com/magazine/poe!.!.!.
The works by known (mostly women) poets begins with part 1: "With Child: The Mother-To-Be" and covers all aspects of motherhood!.
There is also a thought provoking thesis available online that examines the " !. !. !. Language Women Poets Employ Through an Exploration of Poetry About Pregnancy and Childbirth"
It includes some brief poems and excerpts!.