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Question: The 3 fictional characters you'd like to have a drink with!?
3 charcters (must be fictional) that you would most enjoy having a chance to hang out and have a drink with - and why!?
I'd go for Dumbledore (becasue he's quirky, strange and I think he'd be fun at a party!.!.oh and for the magical entertainment), Atticus Finch (for quality in the gathering - he'd be the one who always had a better argument, a sharper quip), and Jesus (because I think he would be there best guy to go out on the town with)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
God, Jesus and Satan, it would be funny to get them drunk and watch them argue!Www@QuestionHome@Com

First of all, Jesus is NOT a fictional character!. Even the historian, Josephus, wrote about him in early A!.D!. Whether you believe he is who he said he is or not is a personal decision, but historical record says that he did, in fact, live and walk the Earth!.

As to your question, there are actually far more than three, but I'll limit myself to the first ones that come to mind!. Here goes:

-Mr!. Macawber from David Copperfield by Charles Dickens - I think he'd be a lot of fun!. You might have trouble following his conversation, which would tend to go off on tangents, but it would still be fun!.

-Odd Thomas from the book & series by Dean Koontz!. He's got such a quirky sense of humor that hanging around with him would never be dull!. He's also a good fry cook, and might be induced to make me some killer pancakes!.

-Captain Wentworth from Persuasion by Jane Austen - He's another one who is the "life of the party" type, with a lot of humor and good conversation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

~ Allan from "Bengal Nights" by Mircea Eliade, because he fell in love with an Indian girl, in her own country and she was the only woman he ever loved!.
~ Robin Hood from "Robin Hood" by Alexandre Dumas, because I would like to present him modern society!.
~ Troilus from "Troilus and Cressida" by William Shakespeare, because I would like him to love me the way he loved Cressida!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Edward cullen (He's the man I'll never meet but wish, wish, WISH I could because then we'd fall in love and live happily ever after)!

Hmmmmmm Jared or Jamie from The Host (soooo cute)

And, of course, Dexter from This Lullaby!. :) He's a dream guy that is more realistic than Edward :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

Bilbo Baggins, Frodo Baggins, Peregrin Took, (and Sam Gamgee and that other hobbit) from The Lord of the Rings!. They seem like jolly characters who are a lot of laughs when they get drunk, and can handle their alcohol!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Train Saya
Chrono Rosette
Karasuma Woonsa Jumoochi Damdeok Suzini
Jasper Alice [ not Edward coz he's just interested in Bella ] Emmett Rose
School rumble cast
Ely Night Crisis Rowen Alexa Hunter Sky Sess Billy

Dumbledore [ i like wise people ]

Oh i guess that's too manyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Roy hobbs (the natural) Ford prefect (the hitchhiker guide to the galaxy) Cobra commander (if you don't know you betta ask somebody)Www@QuestionHome@Com

aragorn from the lord of the rings
elizabeth bennet from pride & prejudice
sirius black frm hpWww@QuestionHome@Com

Homer, Barney and Moe!.Www@QuestionHome@Com