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Question: Do you get hate mail from people who don't share your opinion of certain books!?
The nerve of some people!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Once, not on Yahoo, though – it was another website!. A while ago, a lady from New York said, after she read a certain book (which is marketed as non-fiction, but I seriously doubt that it is), she claimed to become enraged if she saw a woman wearing an abaya!. Out of curiosity (so maybe I asked for said hate mail), I asked her if seeing a man wearing a thawb made her angry as well or if her rage was directed only at people of one gender and not the other (even though she said she was a feminist)!. Well, she got really peeved at me and made all sorts of assumptions about me that weren’t true!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

deer snoresheads,

i her u liek falkner

he is 2 wordy liek ttly

u haf no taste in bookz

y don u reed somethin good liek twilite

or mebbe teh hairy potter novelz

ok ttyl


The book people must be crazy!. I don't get hate mail even when I troll in the vegetarian section!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!.!.!.I don't think it's that important!. People are crazy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No !.!.!. oh wait, I have my profile set up to not get email!.!.!. I have been online for far too long to know better!. *shrug*Www@QuestionHome@Com