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Question: Which books do you recommend!?
over the summer i have to read 3 books and i have a list i can choose from:

1984- george orwell

call of the wild-jack london

chinese cinderella-adeline yen mah

freak the mighty-W rodman philbrick

Quest for a king: searching for the real king arthur- catherin m andronik

they cay- theodore taylor

she said yes-misty bernall

watership down-richard adams

if you've read any of them!.!.are they worth reading!?
!.!.oppinions wanted!. =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1984 is a MUST READ!. It's in my top five favorite books ever!.

I'd recommend Call of the Wild, The Cay, She Said Yes, and Watership Down!. I haven't read the others, but Chinese Cinderella is probably really good!.

She Said Yes is really good but really sad!.

But you really need to read 1984!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Chinese CinderellaWww@QuestionHome@Com

The Cay, it's good, but sad!.Www@QuestionHome@Com