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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What kind of horror fiction is scary or interesting to you?

Question: What kind of horror fiction is scary or interesting to you!?
for me I think alien invasion or other-worldly entities or monsters or movies with white-face japanese-like ghosts BUT I HATE hauntings like objects being thrown around and stuff or serial killers because they're boring which is why I did not enjoy the highly acclaimed The Shining!. So what is scary to you!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Ted Dekker, as several others said, is very scary and thought provoking!. One of my favorite authors ever!.

However, HP Lovecraft absolutely terrifies me!. He writes a different brand of horror, probably different than anything else before or after him!. He writes about the fact that we know almost nothing about our world, and that there is so much that existed before us, and even that exists with us, that we can't even imagine!.

Check out "The Call Of Cthulu" and "Dreams In The Witch House" by Lovecraft, they're both excellent collections of his short stories!.

The only authors that can be compared to him are Edgar Allen Poe, Lord Dunsany, and Algernon Blackwood!. You might want to check out some of their stories to!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, from a film standpoint, I love anything that is psychologically thrilling but real or convincing!. A storyline that exposes dark aspects/characteristics of human behavior and/or society keeps me thinking, and so I like movies that explore much more than just the easy scares of ghostly effects and blood-curdling screams!. Some of my favorite movies of all time are Psycho, Donnie Darko, and The Shining!.

As far as books go, I've always been personally intrigued by Stephen King novels!. I like his occasional exploration of fantasy/science fiction!.

* Forgot to mention Poe!. His words never cease to give me chills!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like more of the psychological thrillers, because then it's not just the imagery that's scary/interesting, but also the plot twists, etc!. Like the movie "The Others" creeped me out for about 2 weeks because I kept thinking about the possibility of such an occurence!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

anything by Ted DerKker is usually good, scary sometimes, but usually just haunting and mind twisting!.
'House' and 'Saint' are my two favorite!.
and to the person who first answered this question, Twilight is an amazing book but has nothing to do with horror!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love hauntings, ghosts, anything by Dean Koontz is great!. I also like humorous horror fiction like Christopher Moore!. What I hate most is junk like House by Dekker and Peretti!. Worst book I ever read!. Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com

asian horrors scare the f**k out of me!.
constantly jumping, and the effects are so scary!Www@QuestionHome@Com

read TwilightWww@QuestionHome@Com