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Question: In 'The Order of The Phoenix' did anyone else!.!.!.!?
In OOTP did anyone else feel misled when they discovered the 'Weapon" was actually just a recorded prophecy!? How exactly can this be referred to as a weapon!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It is considered a "weapon" because it was the most dangerous thing that Voldemort could have gotten a hold of because it told of how "neither could live while the other survived!."

I was kind of disappointed too, but I figured maybe the kids just figured it was some type of devastating weapon like a wand or whatever wizards would use because they didn't realize that the prophecy was out there and how much info it had!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, it makes sense!.!.!. a weapon is something that others can use against someone!. The prophecy gave Voldemort dangerous information that he could use!. Technically the prophecy doesn't hurt Harry, but it helps Voldemort, which is definetly not good!. However, I was hoping for something a bit more, well, dangerous!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe I'm remembering wrong, but I thought it was the kids who actually used the word weapon, not anyone in the Order!. The adults said that Voldemort was looking for something he didn't have last time, that would help him a lot!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes I felt a bit misled!.!.!.but it made sense to me because it was He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named's weapon, bot in the case of physical pain, but it was a weapon none the less

And i could not use his name because it is still tabooed!.!.!.see dhWww@QuestionHome@Com

I knew it would be something weird like that when I read the book, but I think it is that voldemort t h o u g h t it would be a weapon - something that would reveal how to kill harry as he had failed already so many times!.Www@QuestionHome@Com