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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I have a question about the book "THE TAKING" by deadn koontz ??? abou

Question: I have a question about the book "THE TAKING" by deadn koontz !?!?!? about the ending!?
what happens at the end!.!.!.!.!.!.are the aliens or whatever they are really gone and thats it!.!.!.!.is there something worse going to happen!.!.!.!.at the end the main character decides she wants to write another book about hope!.!.!.!.!.!.so if thats just how it ends why are people saying that the book has a twist ending!.!.!.!.its a normal ending or am i wrong and there is something else that is going to happen !?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There was a light that was unlike the aliens' ship, and it overpowered the other!. As soon as the sun broke through that gloom, you knew that those fungus-type aliens were gone!.

The way I looked at it, there was a new beginning for the Earth in the end!. The evil were all destroyed and only some of the good remained!. Of those good, there were many children and also adults with expertise in various areas!. It was like the Apocalypse had occurred!. Now the survivors were like the new Adam and Eve and were to, once again, populate the Earth!.

I think the twist in the plot was that it was supposed to be the Apocalypse!. It was evil's last grab at both humanity and the Earth!. Another twist was that the main characters felt that they were completely alone, only to find that there were many more - including animals, mostly dogs (I guess that's the reason they are called man's best friends) - like them: fighting, refusing to give in to despair, refusing to allow that darkness to claim them!.

I'm not sure that everyone would agree with me, but that's how I looked at it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com