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Position:Home>Books & Authors> In the book Eclipse from the Twilight series, what happened to Rosalie?

Question: In the book Eclipse from the Twilight series, what happened to Rosalie!?
I know that her fiance, Royce, and his friends were responsible, but what happened exactly!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Rosalie was cornered by her fiancé, Royce, and his friends shortly before their wedding!. She was brutally raped and beaten by them, and Carlisle found her as she was dying!. He turned her, expecting her to be to Edward what Esme was to him!.

Afterwards Rosalie hunted Royce and his friends, killing them one by one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Rosalie Hale was a beautiful girl and engaged to a man she knew hardly anything about!. She didn't know that he was a binger!. One night, shortly before the wedding, he bumped into Royce and some of his friends, drunk!. They raped her and perhaps beat her as well, then left her for dead, laughing!. Carlisle passed by and saved her with vampire venom, which also turned her into a vampire!. Rosalie later tracked down each of his friends and Royce and murdered them in revenge!. She did not, however, suck their blood!. It's a point of pride that she had never tasted human blood!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Royce and his Friends were drunk; they waited for her in an alley and on her way home from a party, they raped and brutally beat her, almost to death; luckily Carlisle found her and turned her!.Www@QuestionHome@Com