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Question: What predictions do you have for Breaking Dawn!?
I really want to know what other people think is going to happen!!!! Please if you don't like the books then just don't answer thnx!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Okay, all i want to happen is for bella to become a vamp & end up with edward (not that i don't like jacob!. i really do)but seeing as thats much too predictable i have a feeling that may not be the case!. so here are my theories:
-Bella will be immune to vampire venom, because of James bite (sort of like wen you get a flu shot; they inject you with a small amt of the flu to make you immune)
-there will definately be a huge battle between Edward and Jacob (hello!?! the cover is a chess game)
-a vampire will bite a werewolf
-Jacob will either die, or imprint
-the Denali will be involved in some way
-I doubt the Volturi will be back, for the sole reason that they veiw time in decades, not months or years
-if, by some chance Bella does become a vamp, she'll bring her clumsiness w/ her (ha!), her vampire-deflecting-thingy, her sensitivity to blood (meaning less dead bodies) or all of them!.
-ull all hate me for this: edward could die saving bella!.
-also, as stephenie meyer said, breaking dawn is based on a midsummer night's dream, which was based on a dream!. so what if all three books turn out to just be a dream!? i would die!.
-finally, this theory makes more sense then any of them, no matter how much i hate to admit it: think about the titles:
Twilight: the beginning of the moon/ New Moon: no moon/ Eclipse: the sun and the moon passing over eachother!.!.!. Edward is the moon, Jacob is the sun!.!.!.sooooo:
Breaking Dawn: the sun comes up
Bella could actually end up with jacob :O anyways, hope i could help!

(i bet if jacob dies, he dies trying to save bella; i highly doubt edward would kill him though, considering what it would do to bella)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, Stephenie said this book is loosley related to A Midsummer Night's Dream (where every one falls in love with the wrong person), so there's definitely going to be some drama there!.

I think something drastic is going to happen, like Charlie or Billy dying!.

Maybe Charlie will find himself a woman!.

Charlie will find out the truth about Jacob and Edward!. I mean, Charlie has to be kinda suspicious about Billy's apparent lack of concern about his "missing" son, right!?

There's going to be a wedding, but it's going to be crashed, by Jacob, or the Volturi, most likely!.

I think the Volturi are going to be the villians in this book, since all the other villians were killed off in the last books!.

Hopefully Jacob will imprint!.

There's going to be a battle between the werewolves and the vamps, because if Edward bites Bella, he broke the treaty!.

Bella might be immune to the vampire venom!.!.!. if she isn't though, I think her ability will be that she's able to resist the thirst!.!.!. because she can't stand the smell or sight of blood!.!.!. it makes her sick!.

Maybe, somehow, Edward will become human again!. It sounds entirely crazy, but he said somewhere (third book maybe), "If there was any price I could pay to become human for you, I'd pay it!." Soo!.!. maybbeeee!.!.!.!.

And as far as the preface, I'm not sure!.!.!. but it sounds pretty crazy!. I mean, someone she loves is trying to kill her!? Maybe she's turned into a vampire and Jacob's so upset that she's not "Bella" anymore that he tries to kill her!. I don't have a clue!.!.!. and I'm really anxious to find out what that's about!.

I'm pretty sure the Denali clan will be in this book somewhere, I know Tanya (I think) was pretty pissed about the werewolves killing Laurent!.

Of course, these are all just guesses!.!.!. I really don't know what's going to happen, but I do know there's going to be a ton of drama, drama, drama!!

I can NOT wait for this book to come out!.!.!. I'm pretty much about to explode with anticipation! =PWww@QuestionHome@Com

i think bella and edward will get married somethings gonna happen between vampires in denali and wolf pack since they killed laurent the volturri maybe involved stephenie said its based on midnight summers dream i read the play a loooong time ago its about two guys demetrius and lysandar that love a girl named hermia hermia loves lysandar back but the king wants her to be with demetrius but she dosent want him so lysandar and hermia run off together and theres another girl named helena who loves demetrius but he thinks shes annoying then fairies are involved and i cant remember much in the end demetrius ends up falling in love with helena and the two couples live happily ever after i think hermia is bella and lysandar is edward demetrius is jacob and helena is i think leahWww@QuestionHome@Com

I hope that hey just have the wedding in the beginning and nothing crazy happens with that!.!.but who knows!

I see Bella becoming a vampire and i think that most of the book will be about her changing!. I think that is will also be about her special ability (like Alice and Edward's talents) and how that works!. I am pretty sure that the Volturi will be back too!.

Of course you never know!
I just hope it is good no matter what it is about!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that
1!. Edward and Bella will get married
2!. Jacob won't get over Bella
3!. Bella will turn into a vampire
4!. Jacob will try to ruin Bella's wedding
5!. Bella will try to kill Jacob when she's a newbornWww@QuestionHome@Com