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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What team are you on?? Edward or Jacob??

Question: What team are you on!?!? Edward or Jacob!?!?
Who do you want bella to end up with!? Or in other words!.!.!.!.what team are you on!? Please tell my why you believe this!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'm Switzerland, I love both those boys soooo much!! there are things i love about both of them and thing i hate about em!. like, to start with edward, he's not very fun and it's kinda creepy and sketchy that he's like 100, so it's like an old man in a teens body!.!.!.eww!. and for jake, he can be pretty annoying sometimes and even though he's funny, sometimes the things he says hurt!.!.!.so yea, and i love edward cuz he's very caring and protective and gorgeous and i love Jake cuz he's fun and he would never let anything happen to Bella!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Team Edward

I was first on Team Jacob when I was reading New Moon, but then I got mad at Jacob, who to me seemed like an mature teen for his age, but then he disgusted me with immaturity!. If you love someone, You NEVER avoid him/her!. You talk to her like you guys are still friends and at the right time you admit your secrets, and tell him/her you simply love him/her wit all your heart!. And that is why I am on Team Edward

And also because Edward is such a hottie!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

:O i dont know!. I know that bella wants to be with edward!. But think about poor Jacob!. He loves her and he was there when she needed him!. If it werent for him she may have killed herself!. I enjoyed the little talk edward and Jacob had in the tent in Eclipse!. But if Edward didnt have the advantage of his looks, then Bella may not have noticed him in the cafeteria that first day!. So!.!. despite what i think, i still believe Edward and Bella belong together!. Team Edward!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Team Jacob!.
I want Bella to be with Edward!. They deserve each other!. It was love at first sight for them, and they would do anything for their love!.
I want Jacob to fall in love with someone else!. He doesn't deserve to be a substitute or 2nd best!. He sacrificed a lot for Bella, and he deserves to be treated like the chief he is!.
Long live the Quileute pack! Jacob Black 4 EVA!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Edward, no thought required!. For more than one reason!.

First, Stephanie PROMISED us that we wouldn't have to go through the whole "I love you!. I love you too!. I love you more!. Oh, gee, he kissed me! How scandalous!" thing all over again!. Well, her words were more like, "Edward and Bella won't have something come between them again", or something vaguely like that!. But my way is more creative!.

Secondly, and I'm SORRY to the people who ? Jacob, but he's a jerk!. Personally, I can't STAND guys who act like jerks, or who act all tough, etc!. And he's not even nice to HER all the time! Yes, he loves her, but he's still not a very nice person in general, as far as I can tell!.

Thirdly, Edward is perfect, simply put!. He's intelligent, beautiful, caring, loving, protective, sparkly, strong, and all those other qualities that I haven't got time to list!. But intelligence is way up there in my list of important things!.

Fourthly, Bella obviously loves Edward more!. He's been with her since the beginning, and even though he's a bit hazardous to hang around with, he's saved her life more than once!. I'd like to see Jacob try to push a car off her with his bare hands!.

Fifthly, the whole series is pretty much about Bella and Edward's love for each other!. It would be kinda stupid if they didn't end up together!. Plus, they're getting MARRIED!. I'm sorry again Jacob lovers, but it's hard to get around that one!.

So, why not pick Edward!? Hmmm!?

Actually, I ? the werewolves, but Jacob gets on my nerves!. I would be totally good with a werewolf though, if vampires weren't an option!. But then there would really be no point to the series!.

P!.S!. If you just read all that, then you have WAY more patience than I do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Edward!. he's!.!.!.well he's perfect!. hes a gentleman, protective( although a little too protective at times), willing to sit curled up in a ball for 6 months because he believes it would be better for bella if he wasn't in her life, he can read minds( i wish i could read minds), he has a wonderful family, and is extremely gorgeous!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Team Edward,

well come on they are getting Married, and Jacob will end up imprinting on someone else, no matter how much Jacob loves Bella their story will end up like Sam and Leah/Emily if they dont watch out!.!.!. I think it was in Eclipse when Edward told Jacob he could leave her but Edward learned better (in New Moon) that nether he nor Bella could live without each other!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Edward!. Their chemestry is so romantic I would hate it if Stephanie made it otherwise!. Jacob and Bella were cute, but I think in the beggining Bella was using him as a subsitute for Edward!. My thoughts!.

Bella + Edward= LoveWww@QuestionHome@Com

Edward definitely!. Jacob seems to always push himself on Bella which can be very annoying, whereas Edward is willing to let Bella go if that's what will make her happy!. That's what love is about!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Eep! I am totally Team Edward!. He is sweet and sincere and very loving!. Okay, so he's a little over protective but oh well! He is a lot better suited for Bella then Jacob who is soo obnoxious!Www@QuestionHome@Com

he is just absolutely amazing, he is everything i want in a guy:]] hahah or a vampire:]]]]] hehe


Edward because then she'll become a vampire and she'll have cool powers!. Another reason is i love his family better!. They are a lot nicer!. Come on their soul mates!!!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm Team Switzerland!. I mean, I want Bella with Edward, but I love Jake too!. I hate how everyone hates Jacob when all he did was love Bella!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I want Bella and Edward!. But Jacob has to end up with someone great, too, because he's coolWww@QuestionHome@Com

I fully agree with Selentic!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They're both part of the worst thing to happen to literature!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because i like edward a lot better and he seems nicer and bella cant live with out himWww@QuestionHome@Com

She doesn't really deserve eitherWww@QuestionHome@Com