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Question: Who should i tell about the story i plan to write!?
I planned to write a book, and i don't want to write what it's about it up here bc i'm afraid some one will steal my idea, and i want to know if it's worth spenting time to write the book or is it going to be a waste of time!?
who should i express this idea to, that is going to be both safe and they can also help me!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If you think it'll be a waste of time then maybe you shouldn't write it!. Writing is a passion!. Sometimes we keep our stories to ourselves and have no one to show them to!. I don't like posting my stories online unless I think that I'll never go anywhere with it!. If you need someone to share your story with, then try asking a trusting, close friend or relative!. Motivation is a good thing and sometimes we need just that from other people!. Just don't give up no matter what!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i write all the time because the stuff that goes through my head is wierd as hell bvut i never tell anyone!. just write it all out its tempting but when you get done and have it written then youll be for sure that no one will steal your idea!. and even if they do!. you have the idea!. they have what they interpret as your idea you can easily outmatch them!.


As in, who should you tell among your friends and family!? Or are you looking for a publisher!? In the former case, I try not to let anyone in on what I'm writing until the first draft is done!. As for publishers, write it first, and then try to contact them!. Trust me, you won't be asking, "who should I deem worthy of publishing this" once you've gone through all that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You sound confused or are confusing - either way you should get your thoughts straight before going into storytelling mode!. Write an outline of the story!. Then if you want you can share your ideas with friends, family, online young writers group, or a teacher!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

your parents or a friend who has no intrest in writng or is not very good at writing use ur judgement im sure ull be fineWww@QuestionHome@Com

your parents or some friendsWww@QuestionHome@Com