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Question: Breaking Dawn - sold out!?
Lots of people say that Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer will be sold out!. But I'm pretty sure that Deathly Hallows by J!.K!. Rowling wasn't sold out!. Or was that just me!? I think there are more Harry Potter fans than the Twilight series!. I don't know!.!.!.-_- I'm not sure if I should go to Borders really early in the morning of August 2nd to get it and just wait there!. What should I do!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think that it will be sold out depending on the area!. To be sure you get one, you can contact your local bookstore and pre order it!. You'll have your own reserved copy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You can pre-order it from Barnes & Noble online!. I bet they have a way that it will come to your house that day!.

also I'm sure they will have tons of copies of the popluar book!. Unlike other toy retailers they don't raise the price after setting it so it wouldn't help them to hold back printing a book!. Therefore it will not sell out!. They know the hype around this book series and will have more then enough books to go around!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because of what you said in the details, I don't know if you'd want to preorder it online!. That is what we did with the Harry Potter series, and it guarantees you a book!. Depending on the site you buy it from, you may get it the day of or the day after!.

For one of the Harry Potter books, we preordered it from Borders, so we got there at like 9:00 to get it at midnight, and they had reserved a book for us!. I'd do some looking around at that, but that is only if you are willing to stay up until midnight!. I do say, it's so worth it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Publishers know better than to have a smaller print run than expected demand!. You really have no idea how the business works, do you!?
If something sells out, it's because the book store you're at didn't order enough copies from the distributor!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

sleep outside barnes and nobles and run in the day tis out :D lol!. no just go rlly early to barnes and nobles the day its out i guezz!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

borders is having a midnight release party so go then and get ur book

thats what im doing

and i dont think it will be sold out

to many people want it!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

harry potter will always outsell twilightWww@QuestionHome@Com

Borders Midnight Release Party!.

See you there!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don't worry, they will have plenty of copies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i dont think that it will b they will probly make a million copysWww@QuestionHome@Com

Pre-order from a local bookstore and pick it up at the midnight release party if they are having one!. Otherwise you should be able to walk in to the bookstore later in the day and get a copy because bookstores tend to have a lot of leftovers that will take them months to sell!.

Grocery stores have books too and no one thinks to go there!. 24 hr Wal-marts are a good place too, because you can go at midnight and get it and won't have to worry about long lines!.

It won't be sold out, HP7 wasn't either because we one from the grocery store at 8 AM on release day!. Our copy from Amazon arrived on release day but not until 6 PM!. Same price, though!.

You said you don't want to do it online and that's fine, but I have a note for other people thinking of pre-ordering online!.

Only pre-order online if you don't want it on release day and you want to pay extra for shipping!. None of the online bookstores (Amazon, B&N, etc) are guaranteeing that Breaking Dawn will be delivered that day!. They have only done this with Harry Potter books!. If they were doing it for BD they would have a note on the product page informing customers of the option, at this time they don't!. Online orders are being shipped on Aug 2nd to be delivered 2 or 3 days later!. Only get it online if you don't mind waiting by the mailbox for 2 or 3 days!.Www@QuestionHome@Com