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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I am writing a story. What do you think of these for characters?

Question: I am writing a story!. What do you think of these for characters!?
It's about an orphaned "elven" (its roughly based on elvish folk lore) child growing up in a human country which is at war!.
His name is Fabel!.
Rayne, Rohan, Makina, Alek, Ashur, Hamar, Ares, Yuri, Rhys, Siobhan, Bjorn, Bly, Aaron, Nicolae, Mikhail, Markus, Axel, Suri, Kiera, Sly, Ceridien, Freyr, Sebastien, Sora, Akira, Krom, Ashk

The only three characters i have so far are Fabel, his brother(the boy he befriends when he is initially is orphaned, they become separated and fight on different sides of the war) and a girl who is neither here nor there yet!. Comments on names!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The names are perfect!.!.!.

I am an unpublished author as of this year!.!.!. but I hope to finish mine befor my 23rd birthday which is a whole nother year away!.!.!. so!.!.!. yeah you should write that story down!.!.!.

I'm writing a similar story but it about a faerie boy who ends up living with his sister in a land foreign to their native land and the world is set in a sort of ancient medieval world!.!.!.
It also has an army of Vampyr (as in has an army made entirely of Vampyr - not like the Vampire Counts armies in Warhammer!.!.!. mine is unique!.!.!.) in my novel too (I won't give too much away coz then people might steal my ideas!.!.!.)

Many think I'm just another Tolkien, but!.!.!. I'm not!.!.!.
I like to think of my self as great, but!.!.!. Tolkien is 10 times better than me!.!.!.

And don't worry I'm not gonna pinch the storyline I wrote mine out like three years ago!.!.!.

Many people think that it takes less than a week to write a novel!.!.!. but all I can say is this: it takes time to write a story!.!.!. it is like art in a way!.!.!. fine art you cannot rush!.!.!.
Yeah I'm some what of an artist too and have already drawn some of the characters out for my novel, but!.!.!. they are a bit sketchy!.!.!. not only that I drew out the maps and everything and my greatest thing would be to actually make one of the citadels and other places like the towns and stuff you know!? Just to get a rough idea of what I'm doing with my novels!.!.!.
But I haven't got the time, money OR room to do that last thing!.!.!.

You will know me by the time I've gotten it published the way I would like it to be published!.!.!.

So!.!.!. yeah!.!.!. the names are great and you should keep at it!.!.!.

And also have you just started writing novels or have you been writing long!?

P!.S!. I seem to recognise a few of the names:
Rayne - BloodRayne (game)
Sora - Kingdom Hearts (game)
Akira - Akira (movie)
Markus - Underworld Evolution (movie)
Bjorn - singer from ABBA
Mikhail - Russian Politician
Freyr - is the name of a God in Norse Mythology
Rohan - Lord of the Rings place name
and also!.!.!. isn't Fabel just another name you feel you've seen before like FABLE (X-box 360 game, although it has a slight rearrangement of the "l" and "e")!?

I am using the names Freyr and Rohan as characters in one of my other novels, but!.!.!. I don't know much about your characters so!.!.!. go ahead and use them!.!.!. they are universal after all!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I do like the names you've chosen but don't make them too hard to sort of understand - like Ashk and Freyr!. I love the names:

Alek, Ashur, Sebastien because you can tell they are names!. Some of the others - Makina, Freyr and Sora are nice but I'm not sure whether people would become confused whether they are names or places!

Good selection though! :) Like the name Fabel :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Although the name is important, what is more important is if you can get your readers to recognize a word as a name!. This, of course, depends on your ability with character development!.

The names are good, pretty original!. Not all of them sound particularly elven, although you mention that he grows up among humans!. Be careful to distinguish between the two cultures (or more, if there are more), as a lack of distinction would create a lot of confusion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm a little confused on what you're asking, but I'll assume you want to know people's thoughts on the best names!.
Nicolae, Markus, Suri, Ceridien, Sora, Ashk!.

(Edited to reply to Samantha Isabelle)
No-one's criticised the names!.
And they're not at all unique!. I've seem lots of those names in books before!. Nevertheless, they're still great names!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would say that you don't so much have characters and names of characters, which is different from saying you have characters!. from what you described there are a few facts surrounding them, but there is little to go on so far as in characterisation!. work on their likes dislikes, hopes/fears, perceptions, manner etcWww@QuestionHome@Com

Hi! Don't lsiten to he others, I truly believe that you have such immense imagination to have come up with such unique names! I like it!. It totally suits the story!. Isn't it about elven times!? So the names should surely had to have a certain 'uniqueness' to them!.
My, friend, continue on with this story of yours!. I'm looking forward to the day that I will see it on the shelves in a book store!. Just post the title, okay!? So I'd remember!.!.!. Hehe!.!.!.! Go for it! Good luck! Don't listen to the criticisms!.!.!. "Be unwavering to others' bludgeoning; it is your insights that is essential"!.!.!.!. ;)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I dunno, but something in your story to make it more unique!. Sounds like something anyone could come up with but, nice so far!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think the names are nice but confusing and hard to decipher between girl and boy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

dont use the names that no one can say coz that just annoys me when im reading!. gd luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com