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Question: Help!.!.how to write and publish a book!.!.!.!.!?
I would love to write and publish a book!.!.!.how much does it cost, how much time does it take (usually)!? and!.!. how do i do that!?!?!? thank you in advance for your answers :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
First the book has to be written, and that could take anywhere from 3 months to 17 years!. You'll know when you're ready!. As for cost, if you successfully get an agent and publisher--you don't pay a penny (well, you'll still have to put forth some money for printer ink and paper to print out the manuscript, and postage for submissions)!.

But then I've heard that some authors hire editors to clean up their manuscript before submission, and that'll cost a bundle!. In that case, you're better off studying grammar and proofreading the work yourself!.

I can't tell you a specific time from start to finish in the publication process--I haven't traveled that far into the industry yet!. Self-publishing would be quicker since you won't have to deal with queries and rejection letters and stuff, though, that direction of publishing is looked down upon!. Depending on your skill and luck, it could take you a few letters or 10 years to land an agent, publishing house etc!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com