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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Do you let personal prejudice stand in the way of reading good literature?

Question: Do you let personal prejudice stand in the way of reading good literature!?
My friend refuses to read "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" because Twain uses "the N word" too often!. I have tried to explain the historical context of the novel to her but her decision appears to be final!.

Do you refuse to read certain books because of personal prejudices!?

Some examples:
-Maybe you refuse to read a book by a Muslim author because you associate Islam with terrorists!.
-Maybe you won't read a book by a gay author because you are homophobic!.
-Maybe you won't read a book by a reformed alcoholic because a family member was killed by a drunk driver!.

Please understand--this question is not intended to offend anyone!. I am simply trying to avoid asking the "what's your favorite book" type questions that appear so frequently on this site!.

All thoughts and opinions are welcome!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
yes and no!. i'm reading a book about things im against, i'll either hate the character or the author!.

for example, when i read the golden compass books (stupidest books in the world) i didnt realize how against christianity they were until the 3rd book and by that time i was just reading it to finish the series but i seriousy hated it!. i would be reading it, get really mad at the book, curse it in my head, and slam it down and walk away!. then later i would pick it up again because as much as i HATE to admit it, the plot was good which was the only thing that made me finish the book!. but because of the anti-God stuff, i am completly against those books and that stupid author with everything i have!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I try to keep an open mind when reading!. This doesn't mean I agree with the language used or the topic, it just means that I like to see life and literature from as many angles as possible!. I have learned a lot from reading literature that is not something I would, say, write myself!. Closing oneself off to material, language, or subject maters that are closely related to who they define themselves is very limiting and does not allow the reader to grow and learn at a meaningful rate!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm not so worried about authors!. I've read books by a Muslim, by a gay (at least, I think so), by an Atheisist!. Probably more, but most people don't boast ethnicity in the ABOUT THE AUTHOR flap on the book, unless the book has a good deal to do with it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'll admit I'm a sort of overly-sensitive to books with a lot of discrimination!. I'm not sure why, but it's a little hard for me to read!.
Still, if it's a good book, I'll read it!. The author could be anyone!. I don't really care!. The writing is my primary interest!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

not at all!. even though my grandma, tells me i shouldnt be reading anything that goes against God!. lol!. i really just love reading things from any point of view!. and from different time periods!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i'm a VERY picky reader!. i have to have a good recommendation (sp!?)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, no, I guess!.

I like reading books that are <i>real</i>!. There's prejudice and bad people and bad things and people that aren't necessarily bad but I don't approve of what they do in reality, too, so I don't mind because I'm not looking for this perfect-y world in my books!. The truth is, we all have flaws and we're all prejudiced to some level (even if it's really little and even if we don't notice it), and if prejudice is a part of that world and a part of that character (whether it's a good or a bad one), I won't mind!. I might feel a little uncomfortable if what a character in a book does is something I disagree with but if the rest of it is good I'll move on!. I really don't care what and who the author is, as long as the story is good because I never even think of the authors of those books anyway, I don't know the authors of half my favourite books (being an author myself, that's kind of hypocritical)!.

This especially applies to historicals (like in your friend's case) because, for example, the N word was widespread and perfectly acceptable for the time period Twain was writing in and expecting for it not to appear is expecting from both Twain and Huck to be ahead of their times, which would considerably change both the plot and the characterization of the novel!.

But, you know, it's okay if she's really uncomfortable with it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In certain ways, yes, I'll cop to it:

I won't read The Omega Code!. It could be the best book ever written!. I wouldn't know!. The hokeyness of what I know of the plot, coupled with what I see as (personal opinion here!) one of the more dangerous, extremist religious beliefs in the world (End-Times Christian fundamentalism) keep me miles away from the book!.

I won't read Gor!. I am a fantasy nut, but I wouldn't touch those books with a ten-foot pole!. The ideology is just so repugnant to me that I don't see the need to bother with a treatise upon it!.

I won't read what I see as "dumb" books--the best example I can give of this is fantasy books with some busty woman in a chainmail bikini riding in a dragon on the cover, written by guys that sound like MST3K thought up their pseudonyms (Dirk McBeefythighs!)!. Again, what's inside could be brilliant!. But I _do_ judge books like that by their cover, whether that's their fault or not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com