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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What books does Jocelyn Moriarity write? Is she a good author?

Question: What books does Jocelyn Moriarity write!? Is she a good author!?
I'v looked everywhere for her but I can't find her books!.!.!.help!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Do you mean Jaclyn Moriarty!?

She has 4 books out:

Feeling Sorry for Celia (in some countries it's called Finding Cassie Crazy)
The Year of Secret Assignments
Murder of Bindy MacKenzie (in some countries it's called Becoming Bindy MacKenzie)
The Spell Book of Listen Taylor (in some countries it's called I Have a Bed Made of Buttermilk Pancakes)

The first three I listed all take place in the same school with some overlapping characters!. They're all told in the form of notes and letters and found things!. They're very good!

The Spell Book of Listen Taylor is different, but it's also good!. In some countries, it was published as an adult book!.

She's one of my favorite authors and I hope you try out some of her books!Www@QuestionHome@Com

She's a teen author!. SOme of her books are The Year of Secret Assignments, Murder of Bindy MacKenzie, The Spell Book of Listen Taylor!. I think shes also written some adult fiction, but i have not read them!. I've read The Year of Secret Assignments, and loved it!. It's written through letters to penpals!. A easy read, and funny as well!. I believe the the Murder of Bindy MacKenzie is somewhat of a sequel to the secret assignments book!. I know that chapters/indigo/coles in canada carries the books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I see someone mentioned that name here a few days ago as being similar in style to Sarah Dressen!. I don't see any listings either!. Probably someone mentioning their own work!. Did you try writing to the person who posted that answer!? Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com