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Question: What Does Absinthe Taste Like!?
In the story I'm writing, the main character drinks absinthe, I love the idea of it, but I don't know what absinthe tastes like and I need to describe it!. So, can anyone give a lot of info on absinthe!?
Taste, color, ect!. Thanks in advance!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Absinthe is usually a anise flavored drink (anise is similar to licorice), similar in taste to anisette or ouzo!. There is a technique to preparing it that you may not be aware of!. You put a special slotted spoon made just for this purpose over the top of the glass and place a sugar cube on it!. Then you pour the absinthe over it!. Then you pour water over it (sorry, not sure of the propotions of absinthe to water)!. You can either dump the remainder of the suger cube into the drink and mix it around or you can just eat (I think most people stir it in)!. Then you drink up! They don't sell the real stuff here in the US, but you can get it in parts of Europe!. From what I hear they won't let you drink more than 1 absinthe in bars!. The color is a neon green (clear)!. The only thing that I can compare the color to is radiator coolant in your car!. I'm assuming that you already know that it is said to be a slight hallucinogen (Van Gough used to drink it)!. It is said to make the "green fairy" appear to you!. I've never drank more than a sip because I absolutely HATE the taste of anise and black licorice!. But my husband has had it!. Hope this helps!.

Edit: here's some info on wikipedia!. They show a picture with the slotted spoon thing next to it!. Absinthe I've seen is brighter in color (maybe more yellow-y) than this picture!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Absinthe tastes like a stronger Jagermeister!. I've had it at a few bars overseas!. It tastes like black liquorish!. They had other flavors too!. I want to say a honey kind, but my memory is a bit fuzzy!. It was like a clear tan/dark liquor!. They do not sell the bright green Absinthe with the hallucinogens at bars anymore!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It taste like sambuca!. Except it's not thick and sweet, it's thin and bitter!. Strong too!. If you get the sugar:water:booze ratio right it is pretty good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Watch Moulin Rouge,

they show it in the beginning of that movie!. AND its also a really good movie =) hahaWww@QuestionHome@Com

Go buy some!. It's legal in the U!.S!. again!. We saw and bought some at a large party store!.Www@QuestionHome@Com