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Question: "The Outsiders" by S!.E!. Hinton, help please!?
I am studying for an exam!. Help!?
These are based on chapter 10!.

1!. Why did Ponyboy keep telling himself that Johnny wasn't dead!?

2!. What happened to Dally!? Do you think he planned what happened to him!?

3!.Why did Ponyboy believe that other Greasers would end up like Dally!?

4!. Why did Ponyboy end up in the hospital!?

5!. What were some of the things Ponyboy thought about when he awoke!?

Chapter 11-
1!. What did Ponyboy realize when he looked at Bob's picture!?

2!.Why did Randy visit Ponyboy!?

3!. Why did Ponyboy keep saying that he killed Bob!?

4!. Why did the judge's questions surprise Ponyboy!?

5!. Why did Darry yell at Ponyboy!? Why did Sodapop get upset!?

6!. What messages did Johnny send Ponyboy in the book!? What do you think this letter reveals about Johnny!?

7!. What was Ponyboy's English theme!?

*Please answer as many as possible!.
*I read the book! Just want to have some good answers for these!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1) Because Johnny was his best friend, and he didn't want to believe that he was gone!.

2) Yes, Dally planned what happened to him!. He lost the one thing that he cared about (Johnny), and that made all the bad things in his life seem even worse!. As Two-Bit said:
"So even Dally has a breaking point!."

3) Ponyboy believes that other Greasers will end up like Dally because of how they look at life, and how they take it: violent and desperate!.

4) Ponyboy ended up in the hospital because he and Dally went to see Johnny there!.

5) Ponyboy's first tought after waking up was that his house was very quiet!. Then he remembered that something had happened, but he couldn't remember what exactly!.

1) Ponyboy realized that he'd never known Bob, and that he hadn't even known what color his eyes were!.

2) Randy wanted to see Ponyboy to see if Pony was all right, and also to talk about the hearing!.

3) Ponyboy kept saying that he killed Bob because he was messed up mentally and emotionally, and he was confused about what had happened that night!.

4) The judge's questions surprised Ponyboy because the judge asked him about school and his grades instead of Bob dying, which is what Ponyboy thought they were going to ask him about since that's what the hearing was about!.

5) Darry yelled at Ponyboy because Pony fell asleep in the lot and he didn't get home till late!. Sodapop got upset because Darry and Ponyboy were both trying to get Sodapop on their side, and Soda felt like they were trying to pull him into two pieces!. also, Soda was already upset because his girlfriend broke up with him after cheating on him with another guy!.

6) Johnny told Ponyboy that it was worth dying to help people, and that Ponyboy should never get used to life, and take it for granted!. Johnny also wanted Ponyboy to show Dally that life isn't all bad, and that there is a lot of good in the world!. He just has to look for it himself!.

7) Ponyboy decided to make his English theme a tribute to his two friends!. His English theme is the whole book!. The last line of the book is the same as the first: "Whenn I stepped out into the bright sunlight from the darkness of the movie house, I had only two things on my mind: Paul Newman and a ride home!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

I read that book in 8th grade!.
Good book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yeah right, you read the book! go and rent the movie!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I tried looking for my 7th grade book report on this!.!.!.didn't go over too well!. Sorry!. Good luck!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Why did Ponyboy keep telling himself that Johnny wasn't dead!?
cause he didnt want to accept the fact that he was dead, in his head if he didnt say it outloud it didnt really happen

2!. What happened to Dally!? Do you think he planned what happened to him!?
dally was killed by the police after he pulled out a gun!. yes it was intentional because in the scene in windrixville he says it was unloaded, he knew what would happen and he still pulled it out!.

3!.Why did Ponyboy believe that other Greasers would end up like Dally!?
because other greasers dont see the beauty in life, johnny wanted to show dally a sunset, maybe if dally saw that he'd see theirs more to life then being a greaser!.

4!. Why did Ponyboy end up in the hospital!?
he had a panic attack, he got hit on the head, he fought in a rumble when he was sick

5!. What were some of the things Ponyboy thought about when he awoke!?
i think it was like something with his brothers!.!.!. im anwsering these without the book so im not 100%

Chapter 11-
1!. What did Ponyboy realize when he looked at Bob's picture!?
he realized he was young like him and he had his whole life ahead of him!.

2!.Why did Randy visit Ponyboy!?
to tell him it didnt matter, that johnny could be found not guilty but it doesnt matter because their still gonna be in the same place!.

3!. Why did Ponyboy keep saying that he killed Bob!?
because he didnt want johnnys name to be ruined, he was in denial

4!. Why did the judge's questions surprise Ponyboy!?
dont remember!.!.!.

5!. Why did Darry yell at Ponyboy!? Why did Sodapop get upset!?
because pony was failing english!. when pony said something about soda not fininshing school and soda felt like he was in the middle of it so he ran out

6!. What messages did Johnny send Ponyboy in the book!? What do you think this letter reveals about Johnny!?
johnny said that he was ok with dying because he gave life to the kids and that he wants dally to see a sunrise/set!. it says johnny was a good kid

7!. What was Ponyboy's English theme!?
the theme was the book, the theme was about what happened with johnny and dally, to tell people it their not bad kids!.Www@QuestionHome@Com