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Question: Believable name for a fictional country!?
I'm working on an original fiction that takes place in modern day and in which there is a fictional country located somewhere in Europe!. I'm trying to come up with a believable name, but I'm drawing a blank!. I've also gone to some language translation sites and looked up some words that I could combine to make up the name, but nothing's worked so far!.

Something that might help: the names of the three children of the Crown Princess are Nicholas, Annette, and Tristan!.

And please, no smartass suggestions like "Fairytopia" or something!. If you want to get the points, you should earn them fair and square by actually answering my question!.

Thank you!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Your protagonists sound French-influenced--grab something from Breton or or Langue d'Oc (Occitan), as they're French dialects but suitably removed from modern day francais to sound fictional!.

Some that are hitting me straight away:

Dreist: Grand, remarkable
Rouan: General start for kingdom-ish words

Langue d'Oc:
Esterrenal: Rocky land
Savel: Sandy land
Reiala: RoyalWww@QuestionHome@Com

"I'm working on an original fiction"

With that said, I think that if you're creative enough to write an entire fictional book then you have the creativity to come up with your own name!. Not trying to be rude, but it's YOUR book!. Since the country is fictional only YOU know what type of country it's going to be!. Dig a little deeper and do some more research if you have to but I'm sure you will feel better when you pick a name you came up with yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'd look for one of the regions, principalities or duchies that really existed in Europe but disappeared in the 1800's
Galicia, Wallachia!.!.
The map would even give you town names, rivers, mountains!.

Alternately, you could juxtapose and translate terms!.!.!.
Montenegro is only "blackmountain" and Transylvania "beyond the woods!."
So "Transfluvia" would be "beyond the river",
and "Montegris", "greymountain"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Pel Indriel
Sen Faradel
Mes Intirith
Se Tuiriel
These are few of many that popped into my mind!. As a writer I too fall intot his blank phase, but it will occur to you!. I'll be posting more when I come up with them!. Don't give up on that imagination of yours!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you could try combining names of other European countries!. If you were looking at Eastern Europe you need something ending in the ia sound as in Croatia, Latvya, etc!. You could try Grekya!? Or if in the Fjords you need 2 syllables like Sweden, Denmark, Finland - Whitmarsh!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

i love to name things, my friends always come to me for problems like this!.()=pronunciation in order from fav-least fav
Talania (tellania),
Canateak (canateek),
Elendy (elandee),
Nalandark (nollandark),
Alantiar (aleintiar) ((not alien)),
Glasaderia (glawsenderia),
Welfentoll (wellfintul),Www@QuestionHome@Com

Veranda- if you want something different and nice
Ionia - which is a sea south of italy
or maybe you could give it a political name like the
United Ionian States and abbreviate it to U!.I!.SWww@QuestionHome@Com

I don't have a good answer but I don't get why someone would give Bella a thumbs down (subsequently, I gave her a thumbs up)!.

She's the only one that answered the question (at the time I posted this)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love these types of question, because I have to use my imagination! So here are a few names that popped up:

~ Anselia
~ Cardomenia
~ Ophira
~ Thoral

Hope this helps!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Faber, mageria, talance, terracote, and genovia of cours ;-)Www@QuestionHome@Com



Here are some of my suggestions!. They were all made up!.









