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Question: Stephen King!!!!?
hello, i was wondering how many people on here like Stephen King, his novels, and his movies!? I have just finished reading Misery, and then I bought the movie, which was good!. I just picked up It along with the Skeleton Crew, and i have already seen The Mist from it!. I think he is a really good writer!. What do you think!? and also, what have you seen and read about!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Stephen King is a great writer with a imagination most of us just dream of!. His books have been around for a number of years and most of his early ones were written during his drug and alcohol days!. If you get a chance go back to his early days and read a few of them, compare them to his current ones and you will see a marked difference!. It really doesn't matter which ones you read though as he is one of the few with his life problems that managed to land on his feet and do great in both time periods!. His accident slowed him down a bit but it never stopped him as he continues to put out great books we get to enjoy!. As I mentioned in the beginning of this paragraph, go back to Salem's Lot, Carrie, The Stand, so many I couldn't list them all and enjoy this master !.!.!.!.Stephen King

Stephen King the man is a wonderful human being who remembers where he came from and is a great neighbor to all of the people that live in his wonderful town of Bangor, Me!.
(my home town as well)!. His movies are all filmed in the Maine area and he is always giving back one way of another!.
He use to run each day and was lucky for the people of Bangor never bothered him and he was just another local!. He truly is a great guy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love him!. He is my favorite author ever!
I read Misery and loved it!. The movies were awesome too, but nothing like the book!. The Mist was another great book by him!.
The books I read by him include:
Gerald's Game!. <<---Adult content in this book!.
Needful Things!.
The Mist!.
And tonight I am going to buy Insomnia, Cujo, and Salem's Lot!. I can't wait!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

'It' was one great read--until the end!. Pet Sematery is fun, also!. Another author I admire is Ray Bradbury!. I just watched 'The Mist' last night!. Great ending!. Enjoy!Www@QuestionHome@Com

omg i love him even if im really young i love the green mile and the mist super goodWww@QuestionHome@Com