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Question: What does your bookmark say about you!?
What do you use for a bookmark!? I'll use anything from an index card to a Post-It note to an old piece of newspaper!. I think it identifies me as a resourceful person!. I'll use whatever is available!. I never dog-ear pages though!. I think that's disrespectful to the author!. So, what do you use!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I agree with you!. I never dog-ears pages in a book!. And I hate it when a friend borrows my book and I get it back with half of its pages folded!.

I have many bookmarks that I've got from all sorts of places:
- I bought one from Istanbul that has a silhoutte of the Maiden's Tower!. It represents my love for my country's culture
- I bought one from the NGV when they were having a Picasso exhibition!. The bookmark was magnetic with the weeping woman on it!. Represents my love for Picasso's art!.
- A friend gave me a book for my birthday with a bookmark in it with a picture of green bamboo in it!. Represents my favourite colour, green!.


I agree with you about dog-eared pages; it's both disrespectful and destructive!.

Bookmarks I use:
-a bunch that I've created myself
-really nice ones from around the world that I've received as gifts
-whatever is handy: a slip of paper, a receipt, an envelope, a postcard

Does this tell you that I am a sometimes creative person, with good friends who know I love to read and one who is sometimes too lazy to get up and find one of the "real" bookmarks I have in abundance!? :) Perhaps!.!.!.your guess is most likely as good as mine!. BTW: It might simply tell you that I have eclectic tastes!.

Interesting question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Like you, I use anything that's lying around - an old envelope, a bit of junk mail, even my electricity bill - whatever is at hand!. I work in a secondhand bookshop and often have a number of books on the go simultaneously, and sometimes, in desperation, I raid the recycle bin for a bit of cardboard or newspaper or something to mark my place!.

You certainly unearth a lot of weird bookmarks when you buy other people's literary treasures!. The weirdest bookmark I ever found was a whole fried egg, totally dried out!. Sad but true!. Needless to say, most of the book was totally ruined!.!.!.

Hafwen xWww@QuestionHome@Com

My bookmark usually reminds me how expensive the book is! I usually use the bill receipt as the book mark!. right now, for the novel I purchased two days ago, i am using my term end question paper as a book!. That should also be put to some good use!. I use newspaper bits often as bookmarks!. What does that say about me!? That, i hate wasting paper and am environmentally concerned!. Sure, I am!

I too never dog-ear the pages!. I hate harming and spoiling my fresh novels!. I never even use a pen on them!.!.!.

To add, my English Teacher once gave me a very beautiful bookmark, a ready made one!. It read "Nothing Stops A Man Who Works Hard To Achieve"!. But I don't use it!. I have preserved that in my diary as a memento!.!.!.

TW KWww@QuestionHome@Com

Well, I used to fold the corner of the page over, but got sick of ruining my books!. After that, I would use anything in sight (within reason of course)!. A scrap of paper was common, but I was using a receipt from the bookstore for a long time!. After that, I was using a bookmark that I got for free from my college library!. Now I use a bookmark that I bought on vacation a few years back!. Everytime I open my book, it brings me back to that vacation and the wonderful time my boyfriend (now husband) and I had!.

So, what do my bookmarks say about me!? That I am becoming more mature!. I'm a person that keeps changing, but for the good!. My current bookmark says that I'm sentimental!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I can't dog-ear pages, or I'll get really upset! haha!. Anyway, if I don't have bookmark, I'll use anything within reach!. Right now I'm reading two books!. One of them has a bookmark that I got from Barnes and Noble that says: Dream are necessary to life!. And in my other book, I have one of those picture stips of my sister and me that you can get at the mall!. You know those ones were you squeeze into the little booths so they can take your picture!? =PWww@QuestionHome@Com

Ohh!. I use bookmarks, I couldn't bear to dog-ear a book!. I keep mine in pristine condition!. At this moment, I'm using a World Book Day 2008 voucher as a bookmark, but if I'm devoid from such luxuries, I'll use a scrap of paper!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Everytime I use a bookmark it ends up disappearing!.!.!.so i gave up on them!.!.!.Now I use a index card!.!.!.post-it!.!.!.anything that doesnt hold any sentimental or other value!. I cannot dog-ear pages!.!.!.it annoys me
I think I'm just too lazy to use a real bookmarks!. =}Www@QuestionHome@Com

I never use a bookmark!. I either leave the book open to it's page or memorize the page number!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I use tickets from the last opera, concert or play I saw!. Its fun when I re-read a book to look at the tickets and remember what I saw years before!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I collect bookmarks!. I'll leave it at that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I use anything that is possible!.!.(even a piece of string, just as long as i dont lose my page!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

i use a lamaned piece of paper with my name on it that our teacher gave us haha!.
i can not believe i still have it!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com