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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I am looking for a book named Silly Willy?

Question: I am looking for a book named Silly Willy!?
I am looking for a children's book, Silly Willy in the title!. A story of a boy being called Silly Willy, unhappy he goes out to find people sillier than himself!. First some chickens, and later a house with no windows!. I had it as a child back in the mid to late 60's!. If you know anything about it or how I can find it I would greatly appreciate it!. Thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
HaHa, I know that exact story but I think its called "Silly Billy!."

He tries to give chickens hot water to drink so they would lay hard boiled eggs!. Parents call him silly so he goes on an adventure to prove them wrong!. He comes across people holding bowls running in and out of a house with no windows trying to bring in sunlight!. He solves it by opening the windows they closed thinking the light would escape!. Then comes across a group counting each other but not themselves so they think one of them is missing!. he counts them himself!. I dont remember if there was a third group but at the end he returned home and changed himself to "wise william"Www@QuestionHome@Com

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