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Question: Help with my plot obstacle!?
I am writing a short story, but have run into a problem!. Full story (so far) last paragraph!.

At the beginning of the story, I bring up the fact of how a speck of white on a sea of black (or red on blue/vice versa) will stand-out and draw your eye!. I am trying to incorporate that into the rest of the story somehow, like have someone stand out or something!.!.!.or draw your eye to the wrong thing!.

Summary of story so far: Girl being chased by someone in rain!. Takes shelter at a block parent when power goes out!. Son of block parent likes her!. Is she what she seems!? Is the thing trying to get at her actually the bad guy!? Etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
She likes the son back!.!.!. but something little and contrasting and out of place (like that speck you mentioned) draws her to the fact that he's evil and trying to seduce/decieve her, and whatever's chasing her is trying to get her away from the danger she's running towards, cause she's!.!.!. I dunno, psychic or something!? but special somehow, and the block parent (whatever that is) and the son want to turn her evil or else kill/whatever her to get her special ability for her own!.

That's what I'd do, at least, and it seems like a good place to go from the questions you're asking!.Www@QuestionHome@Com