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Question: Amy Tan's "Two Kinds" help please! (10 points! + best answer)!?
how does the dialogue in Amy Tan's "Two Kinds" reflect the conflict between the mother and the daughter!?

any help at all!? please!? i don't understand it at all!.
thanks a lot in advance!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You're in luck- I read the whole Joy Luck Club in HS and then this portion in a short story class in college!.
Anyways, what Tan is showing is that the narrator is the American daughter and her mom is the Chinese mother; their conflict is not just mother-daughter but generational and cultural!. The mother believes in old Chinese customs, including respect and subservience, whereas the daughter has been trained to be independent and outspoken as American children tend to be!. Take the piano playing for instance- it is a very solemn activity that the mother pressures her daughter to be part of, and then the daughter says screw it!. I forget specific other examples (chess right!?) but if you go back and look, the mother wants her daughter to succeed and to be proper, while the girl wants her mother to praise her, love her, support her decisions with words and the mother does it silently to the point the daughter can't tell her feelings!.
An easy way to see this is to pick the story apart into the various incidents and then see what does the daughter WANT and what does the mother WANT/DO and how it compares (or obviously doesn't!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com