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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Secrets to writing an excellent narrative essay (writing a story)?

Question: Secrets to writing an excellent narrative essay (writing a story)!?
plz all advice welcome!.this is an easy ten points and i really need the advice!.!.help

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
When I teach the narrative essay to my classes, I tell them that they have to take the reader on a journey!. You begin in one place, stuff happens and you learn something about the character and then there's an ending!. For example, you could write about the death of a pet and how you reacted to it!. Your journey here is: the pet is alive, you find out the pet is dead, you react to the death, you resolve the issue!.
The ultimate goal is to have the reader experience what you have experienced!. Pick a true episode and alter it if you don't want the "truth" to be told!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Be yourself!. I know that sounds cheesy, but you can't write about anything that isn't you!. Try writing about how you see the world from your eyes!. Make the reader feel like they are you, make them feel what you are feeling!. Tell me how it goes! GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Know exactly where you want start, aim only for where you want to go!. Everything in the middle supports both ends!.

Stay focused!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
