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Question: LIfe after Twilight!?
what can i read that is like Twilight!?

Right now i am reading A great and terrible beauty!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Here are some of my favorite teen and some adult-ish novels:

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer!. It's about a girl named Bella who moves to Forks, Washington and runs into a group of vampires!. VERY VERY good! I REALLY think you should give it a chance because I'm not into vampire stuff, but it was AMAZING!

Pants On Fire by Meg Cabot!. It's about a girl who basically has everything (popular best friend, good grades!.!.!. and TWO boyfriends!.) It's really funny because then her friend from eighth grade come back to town (everyone hates him) and she falls head over heals for him too!.

Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants by Ann Brashares!. It's about four girls who where born as friends!. They go through ups and downs together!.

The Last Summer (Of You and Me) by Ann Brashares was amazing!. It may be more of an adult book, but it was fairly good!.

All-American Girl and All-American Girl Ready Or Not by Meg Cabot!. It's about an outcast girl who happens to save the presidents life!. Suddenly everyone at school wants to be her friend, but she doesn't really care!.!.!. What she does care about is the presidents son!.!.!.

Queen of Babble by Meg Cabot!. It's about a girl who goes over seas with her boyfriend after (almost!) finishing college!. After a bad break up with him, she goes with her friend and runs into someone!.!.!.!. It's a very good adult book!

How To Be Popular by Meg Cabot!. It's about a girl who comes across an old book in her grandma'a attic called how to be popular!. So, she follows the rules of the book hoping to become popular!.

Jinx by Meg Cabot!. If you liked Twilight, then you'll like this book!. It's about a girl who has bad luck all the time so she moves in with her aunt and uncle!. He sister is into witchcraft and I don't want to spoil the rest, but it fairly good!.

Teen Idol by Meg Cabot!. This is about a girl who has an advice column in her school newspaper!. So, when a famous actor comes to her school and she's the only one who knows about it, chaos occurs!

Someone Like You by Sarah Dessen is also pretty good!. It's about two girls that are best friends who are having a few issues in the love department!.

Just Listen by Sarah Dessen is one of my favorites! It's about a girl who had something terrible happen to her and she's learning how to cope with it and befriends an outcast boy!.

The Mediator series by Meg Cabot!. I've only read the first two, but they are VERY good!. It's about a girl named Suze who moves to California from New York because her mother just remarried!. Oh, and Suze can see ghosts!.!.!.

13 Reasons Why by Jay Asher!. It's about a guy named Clay who gets these tapes in the mail about why a girl named Hannah killed herself!. It's very good and a great page-turner!

She Went All The Way by Meg Cabot!. This is a book for more mature people, but it's very good!. It's about two people who get stranded in the wilderness!.

Forever!.!.!. by Judy Bloom is also pretty good!. It's about a girl getting a boyfriend and going through sensual things!. It's a little mature!.

Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist by Rachel Cohn and David Levithan is okay!. My friends LOVED it! I don't wanna tell you what it's about because it'll just give it all away!.

The Host by Stephenie Meyer!. It's about how these things called souls invade Earth, as well as humans!. It's based on a soul named Wanda who is placed into Melanie, who refuses to fade away like she's suppose too!. It's very interesting and I totally recommend it!

Good luck with finding a book! I hope these help!Www@QuestionHome@Com

you could read the second book (New Moon) and the third (Eclipse) and Breaking Dawn comes out August 2 !.!.!. but some other good vampire books are:
The Marked series, Suck It Up, Peeps, or you could try reading the orginal Dracula! haha

also in the Twilight Series they are always comparing Edward and Bella's relationship to Romeo and Juliet you could try reading that!

you could read other good teen books :
The Secret Life of Bees
The Clique Novels
The Private Series
Life In The Fat Lane
The Giver
ttyl series
stuff like that
if you are really "thirsty" (haha) for vampier books just go to the book store there are TONS! i swear i was all like wut the heck there are so many vampire books haha !.!.!. and if you like Romeo and Juliet you could read other Shakespeare plays !.!.!. my favorite is A Middsummers Night Dream because its so funny and there is romance to haha!

hope that helps!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Try reading a very mature vampire book such as Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice!. Probably a bit more comprehensive than Twilight but that'll only mature your mind more into reading!. I haven't read the book myself yet!. I haven't been to into vampires until Twilight I guess!.!.and then reading people's original stories on websites!.

Anyway also, if you just really love romance and all that then check out a book called The Raging Quiet by Sherryl Jordan!. May be hard to find in bookstores but check out your local library!. It's a good romance about a girl who is accused of being a witch and her growing relationship with the town's local deaf boy!. It's time is set when they still used horse and wagons so I'm unsure of the date!. It is fiction though!. Check it out!. Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

lol!. ive felt your pain!. i read the exact book after twilight to TRY to get over it!. i still thought about it!. sorry!. but i did read some pretty good books!.

if you want fantasy, try something by tamora pierce!. really good!. try the song of the lioness quartet or the immortals quartet!. the song of the lioness is about a girl named alana who pretends to be her brother when she is little so she can train to be a night!. she also becomes this really powerful sorcerer and is pretty funny!. she becomes best friends with price jonathan!. there is a lot of romance in them too!. the immortals is about a girl,daine, who is from a peasant type family with no father!. after a tragety, she runs away with her pony and ends up working for the queens horse trainer[i think]!. but she is really unique!. they figure out that she has wild magic!. she has a LOT of it and gets trained by a man named numair who becomes her really good friend!. there isnt romance until the fourth book, but its worth the wait!. i cant say anymore about either of these series or ill spoil it! just read it!.

but if you dont want fantasy!. try almost anything by sarah dessen!. she is a really good author [although i wouldnt suggest her first 3 books]!. my favorite is "the truth about forever"!. its about macy-whose dad died about a year ago or something and it was really hard on her family!. ever since he died, she kinda stopped living!. she was closed up and didnt do anything to just have fun!. then she gets this wild job and friends that are totally different from the people that she usually associates with!.!.!.and yes, theres a guy!. its a really sweet story!. after that book, i recommend "this lullaby" and "just listen"!. they dont dissapoint!. "lock and key" was pretty good too!. and "dreamland" is about an abusive boyfriend!.

ok, goodluck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Vampire Academy novels by Richelle Mead are great!. So is Wicked Lovely!. (I forget the author of this one)!. If you want something that will make you laugh your pants off try the TTYL series by Lauren Myracle!.

I, myself, did not enjoy Blue Bloods!. The plot line was thin and confusing!. Not to mention the numerous typos throughout the story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you haven't already read the 2nd book after twilight, i would pick New Moon!. (2nd book to the series) Or Guilty Pleasures, by: Laurell K!. Hamilton!. The series of Anita Blake!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Blue Bloods by Melissa De La Cruz is what I read after Twilight!.
It's about hot vampires, too!! =D
The Uglies is also a great series to read by Scott Westerfeld!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Host by Stephenie Meyer also, and the Blue Bloods by Melissa De La Cruz (Blue Bloods is actually about vamps, too, unlike The Host!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

omg i love a great and terrible beauty!! but i think twilight was better!. read new moon and eclipse i give it 3 thumbs up!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com