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Question: A little help with my books!?
Well, I have the plot and everything, I'm far into writing it and so far I've had someone read over it and she says it's good!.

Now, I just want to ,make it so the books have more credibility as i want them sounding as realistic as possible!.

Well anyway, in short it's set in the future, there's a huge war, the human race have a Universal Empire and it's pretty much paradise for every creature living within the Empire, now so far I have two causes of trouble, a war against a race from another Universe and a rebellion within the Time Union(the Human Empire in deguise and the Human Empire is the British Empire/Japanese Empire(Japin Empire) in deguise and these problems the books are based on the fights against them, but just to give it more credibility I've made a third problem but it doesn't play any particular role in the book!.

Well, at this time feminism is at its height, women still aren't equal but their rights almost match that of man's now!. Now, there's an entire group of galaxies that has formed its own Empire(within the Human Empire are smaller sub-empires) and this empire is dominated by men and exploits women, raping them, treating them like their slaves, selling them off as sex slaves and kidnapping women from other Empires!. Now the Time Union is against this and aims to shut this activity down and now here's where I need the help!.

1!. What would be a good name for this sexist empire!?

2!. To give it even more credability how could I have the men within this Empire kidnapping and treating the women once captured(I'm aiming for this to look something like the black slave trade)!?

3!. How could the Time Union go about stopping this activity(a little information on the Time Union, the time Union controls the whole of time and space and consists of the leaders of each Empire and the Human Emporor taking the title of the Ruler of Time, the most powerful being in the Universe beneath God!. The Time Union has ships capable of time travel and is the mnost powerful authority in the Universe)!?

Before anyone suggest they could use Time travel to fight the sexist Empire, they can't as the Empire also has ships capable of time travel as despite its activity it is beneath the Time Union's rule and is actually technically rebeling against law as well but timeships against timeships, a war would never be won!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. I would say that they'd want to keep it low profile, so something innocent-sounding and having nothing to do with their sexist inner-workings!. I'm not very good at names of countries and empires and things like that, so I'll leave actually coming up with it up to you!.
2!. I would say definately tagging them with tracker chips and all of that like they do to animals now!. With shock collars and all!. Then, they'd be locked up in cells and fed the least amount of the worst food possible, feeding them the same things we feed pigs!. Table scraps, basically!. They'd be whipped and branded and things of the like often!.
3!. Two ideas; one, they could try to travel back in time and stop it from starting, or try to mess with the ships that are bringing the slaves!. Or maybe a traitor!. I was thinking they could try the first idea, but it wouldn't work or would have disastrous consequences, then they could try the second!. Or something else that's better than my ideas!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

call it:

The Regimated and Supercillious heroes

sounds good doesnt it!.!.!.
It Initialises all that you have said you want to say

As for not mentioning the actual Plot !.!.!. that is great definately helps with copyright

Truly wonderful and terrific!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hi Lilly,
Boy!!! I would say you have a great imagination My Friend!.
Your Friend,

call it

the elite team

what happens nextWww@QuestionHome@Com