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Question: I don't know how to start my story!!!?
Okay, so I'm starting another story!. I haven't given up on my other one, though!. My story is about this sixteen year old girl named Carmen who always has an answer for everything!. But, when her best guy friend, Tony (Tony is kind of in the nerd clique!. But he doesn't look like a nerd, though!.) Anyways Tony asks her to the prom, and Carmen doesn't know what to say!. Yes or no!. Her friends are all telling her to say know just cuz Tony is kinda nerd, but he is also sweet and funny!. She's caught between a pebble and a boulder!!! Eventually, Carmen says yes!. And Tony shows up looking really cute at the dance, and all of Carmen's friends are jealous!. The last sentence I don't have to put in, though!. Tell me what u think if I should!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I just love your imagination!. I am emailing you the next time I have writer's block!. LOL No problem working on two, three or several things at once!. For me it beats the monotony of getting bored on what you are writing!. Especially after a break up scene, I need a good funny scene to pick me back up,

So a title, logline, and tagline (told you I have to write that way)!.

Beyond Gauche

Sometimes love sneaks up on you!.

The story of the girl who found love at first hindsight!.

Good luck, happy to read what you have, you know the email address!. Keep writing and see you at the top!Www@QuestionHome@Com

"to nerd or not to nerd"
and you don't have to start writing with the begining!. pick things that you already have basically written in your mind or the parts of the story that are the most interesting to you or the part of the story that you first thought up!.!.!.start there and write around it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

just start writing and let the book take its toll!. u dnt always have to write a story from beginning to middle to end!. just start writing before u lose all the good stuff!. eventually u will find the perfect beginning and the perfect title!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Title: "Nerdy Negotiation"Www@QuestionHome@Com

uhmm!.!.!. how about "!.!.!." (dot dot dot)!. or "no comment"

Maybe u can start off w/ carmen answering a question, then tony comes in and asks her

"CARMEN!!" screamed __name of friend__!. "I don't know what to do!." !.!.!.some situation!.!.!. like two people ask her to the prom or she loses her her notes!.!.!. then carmen has the solution!.!.!.
tony comes up, " yo, whatsup!. still answering questions i see!." smiles, then asks her, "So if ur so smart, how come you're not the first one in class"
carmen- "easy, because i don't bother to study for tests/quizzes"
tony-"what kind of answer is that!?"
carmen-"my answer!?"
tony- "okk, then what is your answer if i ask you to the prom!."
carmen is surprised, then laughs!.!.!." Great joke!. You scared me there!. Haha!."
tony- " i'm not kidding!. so you wanna go with me!?"
!.!.!.!.!. rest is yours to write^^ (just an idea) tell em if its okk =/

can i have a final copy again!? i LOVE ALL ur ideas!! u'll be a great writer when u grow up!.!.!. no joke, soo many creative ideas^^Www@QuestionHome@Com