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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What is the first book in the Alex Cross series by James Patterson?

Question: What is the first book in the Alex Cross series by James Patterson!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Here is the complete series listing for the Alex Cross series!. Along Came a Spider is the first

1!. Along Came a Spider (1992)
2!. Kiss the Girls (1994)
3!. Jack and Jill (1996)
4!. Cat and Mouse (1997)
5!. Pop! Goes the Weasel (1999)
6!. Roses Are Red (2000)
7!. Violets Are Blue (2001)
8!. Four Blind Mice (2002)
9!. The Big Bad Wolf (2003)
10!. London Bridges (2004)
11!. Mary Mary (2005)
12!. Cross (2006)
13!. Double Cross (2007)
14!. Cross Country (2008)

A complete bibliography for James Patterson can be found at:

You can also find out information on most other authors here!. A very useful site for finding series orders, publication dates and similar authors!.

also, Chloe isn't exactly right about reading the books out of order!. There are some continuing story lines, including relationships and villains that stretch over several books, so I would recommend reading them in order!. Each book can probably stand on its' own, but the books will make more sense if you read them in order!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Along came a spider is the first one that was written!.

However when I was looking at them to buy i was trying to find the first one but they said they were novals!. This means they don't have to read in order and so there isn't really a first book!. I don't know if this is right but if you can't get along came a spider then i would just try a read any book about Alex Cross!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah it is Along Came a Spider for sure!. lol its a great series, I know a few people who loved it, and i have read a few myself, even though its not really my genre!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it's Along Came a Spider, but I haven't read them in like five years, so I may be wrong!.Www@QuestionHome@Com