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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Did Albert E Costain write anything other than The Tontine?

Question: Did Albert E Costain write anything other than The Tontine!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Thomas B!. (not Albert E!.) Costain wrote quite a few other novels, most of them about half the length of The Tontine!. They include For My Great Folly, Ride With Me, The Black Rose, High Towers, The Moneyman, Son of a Hundred Kings, The Silver Chalice, Below the Salt, The Darkness and the Dawn, and The Last Love!. He also wrote The Chord of Steel (a biography of Alexander Graham Bell), The White and the Gold ( a history of the French in Canada), and a four-volume history of Plantagenet England!.Www@QuestionHome@Com