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Question: Is this selling out!?
This is probably a bit silly, but this is my problem!.

I have been trying to write this story for ages now, but there was just something about the main character that was wrong!. I finally worked out what, turns out that I got the gender wrong and the boy was actually meant to be a girl!.
Long story short, in changing this detail, the entire story feels completely different!.
On one hand it's much easier to write and I think i can relate to it much better, and Jo (the character) is so much more real and easier to understand, but on the other hand in doing so I feel almost like I'm selling out on the original point of the story!.

Am I crazy!? Or just way to wrapped up in my story!? Some reassurance please!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
No, I don't see how you could be selling out if changing the gender has overall improved the story!.

I have found from my writing that characters are constantly evolving, just like real, breathing people!. Before I started writing I thought it was weird when authors would say their characters "came to life" or they "feel like they really know them" or "miss them when the book is done!." But you think about these people (the characters) just as much as your family and friends!!

Plus also keep in mind that it is REALLY easy to fall into your writing and you want to edit everything!. When this happens to me a step away from the computer for a few days, then go read it all again from a fresh perspective!. It takes the edge off the craziness all of us writers feel!.!.!.

BEST WISHES on your story!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah, you're crazy!.

hee hee -Hey, someone had to say it!.!.!.!.

So I am kidding!. Anyway, when I write I try to plan out the whole thing before I start writing!. I mean there are always little things to work out that I didn't think of when I was writing the outline, of course!. That can't be helped!.

However, I would have no qualms whatsoever in changing the main character, if I felt the changed character would better fit the story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not at all selling out--character voices have distinct personalities; it just so happens that your character was supposed to be a girl from the start!. Just read it over--very closely--and make sure you don't have any 'he's or 'him's or 'his'es lying around anywhere!.

What is the reason you think it's selling out, though!? Was there something specific about Jo(e) being a guy that you think you've lost in the change!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh this is completely normal!. Honestly, I develop a plot before a character, and when I get to the character!.!.!. I switch a lot!. It takes a few solid good months to develop the perfect character!.

I respect that you found the error in your character, and had the courage to change it all up!. If you feel the plot changed with the character, then fix that up too!. Add some romance!

Well, I hope us answerers change your mind about not selling out!. :)

Good luck writing!Www@QuestionHome@Com

From what you have said I don't think you are selling out at all!. Writing is a process we learn by and extremely experimental!. You found a problem and a resolution to it so well done!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I once wrote a drama book!. I found it worked better with animals and I got a lot for humor, themes, and symbols in it!. You aren't crazy!. I bet J!.K!. Rowling started off with Harry being a girl!. Don't worry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no you are not at all crazy in fact you are trying to do something creative and good keep it up!. get going don't worry you will surely do something good just don't let your spirit go down!. BEST OF LUCKWww@QuestionHome@Com