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Question: Lisa Jackson!?
Well right now I am reading Absolute Fear by Lisa Jackson!. I have never heard of her previous to picking up this book, and I will tell you that I have not wanted to put this book down since the first chapter, it is so intense with excellent writing!.

I am on Chapter 8 which is still pretty early!. I keep waiting to read a chapter that is somewhat boring or relaxed, but have not yet!

I was wondering if you have read Absolute Fear (PLEASE NO SPOILERS) And if you have, is her other books as intense as this one!? They ones that you just are always wanting to know what is happening next!? The one that keeps you on your toes and you just can't get enough!?!?

What other books of hers do you suggest!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Try James Patterson books!.

Hope that helps!Www@QuestionHome@Com