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Question: Partners in books!.!.!.!?!?!?
My sister wants to go to this book week thingy at her school but she wants to go with a friend!.

For book week you have to dress up as a chractor from a book!.

So does anyone know some charactors that are like!.!.!.!. partners in a book!.!.!.

e,g the ugly step sisters

so she can dress up with her friend!?!? thank you!!!

They are both girls!.!.!. and dont necesarilly want to dress up as a fariytaler!.!. :)

THANK YOUWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
How about just going as Hermoine and Ginny from Harry Potter!? Just dress in the right colors!. Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com

Elizabeth and Jane Bennett from Pride and Prejudice which requires 17th century get up!.

All I can think of!.

Hope that helps!Www@QuestionHome@Com