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Position:Home>Visual Arts> I make clothes like a abercrombie and fitch style and wanna know some of the tri

Question: I make clothes like a abercrombie and fitch style and wanna know some of the tricks they use!?
hi i make clothes like a abercrombie and fitch style and i wanna know how n where do they get there tricks they use to make there screenprint images come out like how it does n how to fade color n all, pluse wear could i buy blank shirt kind like there's but cheap enuff 2 get alot n defferent colors, im not copying there stuff just love how there clothes are made, feel, and look and i got inspired to but as much time and effort in to my clothes and were could i get some cut out letters or how to make them!.!.thanks if you can help ill make sure you get a free shirt lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If you want a faded screen printed-looking shirt, the best thing to do would be to get some transfer paper, open up your editing program on your computer (liiiike!.!.!.!. Photoshop!), and start laying down your image!.

If you're working with alot of text, I suggest looking up interesting fonts (1001freefonts!.com or dafont!.com are the best sites for fonts), as well as some customized brushes (deviantart!.com has a category just for this, search "photoshop brushes")!.

Lay your text and image down, play with the opacity (how much you can see 'through' it) of them, possibly putting different parts on different layers to get varying opacities; next, take your eraser tool, and choose a (custom) brush!.!.!. one that looks like it'll take off bits and pieces (so!.!.!. not the grass or the star, unless thats what you want!)!. Start erasing! Play with the settings on the eraser as well, messing around with the brush opacity, so that you only get bits taken off in some areas instead of whole chunks!. You can overlap different brushes to get the effect you want, too!

Michaels, Wal Mart, Curry's, and Zellers all sell Transfer Iron- on paper, as well as various styles of letterings!.!.!. if you can't find the lettering that you want, simply make it in Photoshop (or whichever editing program you're using that's NOT MSPaint!) and then print them out onto the transfer paper!. They also sell cheap shirts-- Wal Mart and Zellers, that is!.!.!. if you buy the shirts at Michaels (Curry's doesn't sell, at least not the one in my area), they'll be Unisex/ Guys shirts and kinda pricey!.!.!.! Check the sale racks and bins!.!.!. as well as the underwear aisles/ racks!.!.!. Hains and Fruit of the Loom make great cotton shirts that hold well to transfers (the shirts usually come in those 2 or 3-packs)!.

Hope that helps~!Www@QuestionHome@Com