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Question: Drawing problem!! please help!!!!?
i have problems drawing noses and cant figure out what to do to get better!. please help!. 10 points best answerWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I had the same problem with hands!.

Noses are harder to draw because unlike appendages, there is no bone structure underneath!. That little flap of cartilage can be very diverse and different and your technique will only improve in through practice!. Here are the three steps I used for hand work that my life drawing teacher suggested:

1!. Become aware of noses on actual people!. Today, look at everyone's nose, find as many examples as you can, and study them, Find where the nose begins, what the angle is, distinguishing features, etc!.
2!. Use cartoon or manga as a reference (not too over stylized)!. Animation is a great starting point because noses are either simplified or over exaggerated for certain characters!. Try the heroine in any Disney movie for nice, sloping schnozes and the villain for twisted and ugly ones!. You should begin your study with outlines and shapes, and sketch the faces of animated characters!. Recognize features like squareness, roundness, sharpess, contrast, and emphasis!.
3!.!. Look through magazines and find different, interesting angles!. Begin sketching from still photographs and try to find very distinct noses!. Side views will help your problem the most, but always practice straight on!. The key to frontal views is shading rather than shape!. The nose isn't truly outlined against the cheeks but rather casting a shadow!.

Give it a shot! But remember it takes time!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Training the hand to draw what the eye sees isn't easy!. You may have to trace some out of a book or magazine to train your hand how to draw the nose!. Next is shadowing!.!.!.!.not really a good answer there either!. I think if you get the nose to look good, make the focal point more the eyes or the mouth to allure the onlookers eyes elsewhere!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

if you draw really bad noses i suggest taking a drawing class in the summer or in school!!!! i had to take one but mine was with the eyes!.!.!.!.!.lol anyways i think that is the best way!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com