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Question: Stop-Motion HELP!!!!!?
What kind of camera is the best to use for stop-motion!? I need to stay under $200 so if anyone knows what kind of camera or camcorder is good please help!. If its a digital camera it needs to either have webcam capabilities or a remote control!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I doubt anyone who answered and recommended a digital camera has ever used one to put together a stop motion movie!. I have!. Here are some of the problems you'll run into using a digital camera for stop motion:

Absolute manual controls are necessary when using a digital camera, otherwise your white balance and automatic focus on your camera will keep changing from image to image, which will royally screw up your shot!. Plus, an AC power adapter is necessary since stop motion takes a long time to shoot!. If your battery runs out in the middle of your shot, as soon as you pick up the camera to recharge/change batteries, you've screwed up your entire shot!. Even with a camera that has manual settings, digital cameras have flicker problems when used for stop motion due to incandescent electrical lighting which buzzes and fluxes!. also, the majority of digital cameras (especially point and click ones) will not be recognized by stop motion frame-grabbing software!. As such, it's preferable to use a high-end webcam or a camcorder with a usb or firewire connection!.

This site has reviews on various webcams:


Any webcam or camcorder you look at, you should find out as much as possible about it!. What resolutions it can shoot at, quality of the image, how well does it do in low light level situations, etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

fujifilm is the top point and shoot camera , it has everything you need to stop motion, but it mainly relies on setting your aperature and shutter speed right!.!.!. you need a high shutter speed to capture motion and make it freeze!. fujifilm is the best, right now!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Any camera with a manual mode!. The faster the shutter speed the more action you can stop!. The point and shoot cameras have settings on stopping action but don't always work that well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The new touch screen camera by SONY!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

try the exilim camera!. its $149 i thinkWww@QuestionHome@Com