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Position:Home>Visual Arts> 7 DeadySins And 7 Heavenly Virtue Pictures.?

Question: 7 DeadySins And 7 Heavenly Virtue Pictures!.!?
Well I want to take a picture for all 14 of the 7DeadlySins and 7HeavenlyVirtues but Im not sure exactly how to go about it!. Can you tell me your ideas for each one!? Pictures of myself like describing it, you know!? Like me doing something so it will show what each one is!? You know what Im sayin!?



Because Im stumped!. Thank you : )Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i would keep the same style for them all to give them a sence of relation!.!.!.
Note: colour can really help set the mood, try photo editing to make the focal pont stand out!!!
1-make all the photos black and white with the main focal point a bright colouor!.!.
2-keep all the photos the same size!!
Lust- women in a dress staring at a man, holding a rose, the rose and and the dress red
Gluttony- table full of food, with a fat kid sitting at the table, the food have the same orangey/brownly tone, and the kids clothes match
Greed- lady with gold jewelary all over her, all the jewelary shiney gold!.!.
Sloth- person trying to sit up in bed, hair all messed up, clothes all tattered!.!.!.wall or pillows bluey/grey
Wrath- someone holding a gun!.!.!.pointing it and the person its pointed at crouched down something of your choice in the fram deep purple
Envy- someone, staring up at someone, with there eyes green hence green with envy
Vanity- a lady looking down her nose in the mirror, really snooby looking, dressing table, spraying perfume on herself, perfume bottle pink

Truth- a churchy looking lady (an older lady) holding the bible, bible yellow glow around it
Love-man and a women kissing, deep red lips
Courage-child about to ride a bike, bike being blue
Wisdom-an old lady, sitting in a rocking chair, glasses reading a book, child sitting watching her, old ladies clothing deep purple
Creativity-small child painting on an aisel, looking at there work with a concentrated look on the face, bright colour in wat there painting
Tolerance-father watching his daughter go on her first date, her orange
Freedom- girl driving off, thoughing something out of the window of her car, what ever she throughs out being greenWww@QuestionHome@Com

Lust would be like you staring at a guy without any clue of whats going on around you
Gluttony- would you be surrounded by candy with greedy eyes [not as glam version- you stuffing your face]
Greed- Shopping, though you have TONS of bags in your hands
Sloth- Lounging by the pool with someone else cleaning the pool and someone surving you
Wrath- You screaming at someone on the phone
Envy- Staring someone down
Vanity- you infront of a vanity mirror, the symbolism would be quite obvious!.

Truth;You in a court, hand on a bible
Love- Kids, animals, couples
Wisdom- An elder giving advice to you working in a nursing home, parents,
Creativity- Designing something, helping beautify a new store
Tolerance- Children, testing trying annoying terrible twos!.
a teacher being patient!.
Freedom- American FlagWww@QuestionHome@Com

Heavenly Virtues:
Truth: Something to do with courts!? Like a courthouse!.!.!.
Love: Duh!.!.!.!.
Courage: Superhero pose!.!.!.
Wisdom: Glasses and grey hair
Creativity: Get a big surface to paint on, and go crazy!.!.!.
Tolerance: Take a picture with a bunch of people from different races
Freedom: AMERICA!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

did you see the movie seven!? its good, and freaky and very discriptive!.!.!.if you have time to watch it!.!.!.do it!.!.!.you will learn about the 7 sins!.!.!.and Brad Pitt is in it!.!.!.and Gwyneth Paltrow!.!.!.and Morgan FreemanWww@QuestionHome@Com