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Question: Media, Deeper Meanings…!?
Does anyone know a website where I can look up a symbol, e!.g!. a punch bag and find most of its basic deeper meanings are (Both good and bad) in a media way e!.g!. films, music video etc!.

For example:
Red – Love, passion, (Good) blood, anger (Bad)
Rain – Something bad is about to happen, depression, death, sadness, mysterious!.
Sun – Smiles all around, happiness, life

These were very basic and obvious, but I love to look up at anything like a punch bag!.

Thank you!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's a serious and heavy book on the subject but one of the standard works is EH!.Gombrich's book Symbolic Images!.(Studies in the art of the rennaissance!.)
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