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Question: Media Symbols and Meanings!?
Does anyone know a website where I can look up a symbol, e!.g!. a punch bag and find it’s deeper meaning in a media way e!.g!. films, music video etc!.

For example, here is one my media teacher gave us:
Indie music videos!. The artists are shown playing their instruments!. This shows that the music is most important, not what you look like or who you are or even your background!.

Thank you!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Unfortunately it's all very subjective, what your teacher interprets one way, someone else will interpret another!. So imagine you see the colour red- you might see anger and violence, but someone else may see passion for example!. There's no die hard rules I'm afraid!Www@QuestionHome@Com