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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What Lenses are best for capturing what kind of images? Any other advice?

Question: What Lenses are best for capturing what kind of images!? Any other advice!?
I'm starting a GCSE photography course in September, so I have just bought a Canon Rebel XTi (400D) and I know nothing, zero, zip, zilch about lenses!. The lens my dad advised me to buy, as he used to be a photographer, was an 35-80mm zoom lens, just as a starter!. I was wondering what would be the best lenses to capture things such as
-Close-up portraits!.

Any more lens advice would be greatly appreciated too, thanks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Did your camera come with a lens!? The kit lens is really usable for most needs!.

Although expensive, this will be a good replacement for your kit lens, as an all around lens!.


Well the lense that i would recomend to get the job done is a 55-200Www@QuestionHome@Com

All require a wider angle and a tele photoWww@QuestionHome@Com