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Question: Help!!! Architecture / Drafting Question!?
Im taking a few drafting classes and own a real nice rotary cutter but want to invest in a Guillotine cutter (the handle kind)!. I need to be able to take the tiniest cut of paper off the sheet!. I mean it needs to be able to take off "a nats wing" so to speak!. The few guillotine's that I have now work ok but when I try to cut real thin it oftens just folds the paper back!. So, if anyone knows of a good guillotine make/model that would be much appreciated!? ThanksWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Martin Yale makes the best trimmers


I do not recommend the swing guillotine cutters for accurate work!. In fact a rotary trimmer works better, the 318/330 is very good for that!. That said Martin Yale makes the best trimmers so all of their line is great!. I own a 7000E trimmer!. It's very expensive and professional grade, but will cut through a stack of 200 sheets at your nats wing of accuracy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com