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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Best camera/lighting for professional product photos?

Question: Best camera/lighting for professional product photos!?
I've started my own business and it's going wonderfully, now I want to make a website to start selling them online too!. Only problem is I don't have a good camera for taking professional-looking photos!.

also I know that lighting makes up alot of a good photo, but I'm pretty clueless there too!.

Does anyone have any suggestions for a good camera and/or good lighting to use for it!? Any ideas where I could find them for a good price!? Thanks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
What you want to do to take good product shots is use something called a "lightbox"!. The good news is that you can make one very easily and cheaply!. You can even buy small professionally made lightbox kits!.!.!. but they may cost $100!. Building one is considerably less!.

Photography is all about lighting!. Once you have your products properly lit, you may find that the camera is entirely satisfactory!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

How large are your products!?

Unless you are shooting ten wheelers, you can get a way with three Lowel Tota-light with umbrellas, a background stand and a some reflectors!.

A good DSLR for your small format and a medium format camera for any advertising or depending upon your client list maybe a nice 4x5 for doing table tops!.

I have been using a Nikon D300 using the "live-view" in the tripod mode when I shoot table tops!. It is really the only use for that feature on a pro camera!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Depends on if you use a film or a digital camera!.
Either way, you need an SLR camera!. This will give you the opportunity to do basically anything you want to a picture!.
Google about it!. There are endless pages about photography online!.
and if you buy a camera, a lot of that lighting information will be in the manualWww@QuestionHome@Com