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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How can I become a skelanimals model?

Question: How can I become a skelanimals model!?
First off, if I didn't spell it right, I'm sorry okay!?
Now, I <333 the skelanimals products and am interested in modeling for their stuff!. I was wondering if there was a way I could do that, or model for any other lines like skelanimals!.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
skeleanimals(sp!?) is a scene brand so you'd have to look the part!.

get style inspiration from Audrey Kitching, Hanna Beth, Kiki Cannibal, Jeffree Star and any other Scene Queen out there!.

while undergoing your scene kid transformation, you will need to take some modeling classes!. when you feel that your a complete scene model, you will need to find someone that is willing to take head shots for you!. you might want to get an agent to help you out with stuff like this!. you will also need a resume/portfolio!. maybe you can model for smaller brands before applying for skeleanimals, just to build up your resume/portfolio!.

take note that im not up to date on modeling world, so my suggestions are just guesses!. but im sure that if you went to visit an agent, they would be able to get you started and help you out with everything!.

good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

you earn scenebucks
then you get really skinny
so skinny your skin falls off of your bones
and then you cut your hair like everyone else's
and then you listen to some scene cool band like
showbread or maybe even some as i lay dying
and then you shop at delias
and then you wear only black eyeliner
and then you are modelWww@QuestionHome@Com

*smacks forehead*
Just another scene brand!.Www@QuestionHome@Com