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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What Piece of Photo Equipment Do You Want/Need?

Question: What Piece of Photo Equipment Do You Want/Need!?
I really want an 85mm PC tilt shift lens!. Very cool effects with PC lenses!. But what I need is a new DSLR to replace my Nikon D50!. A D300 would be nice!.

What piece of photo equipment do you want and need!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think it's about time for that Nikkor 70-200 f/2!.8 VR lens!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A lensbaby!. Hahaha!. No, just kidding!.

All I've got two lenses right now, and I'm very content with them!. They cover everything I need for the type of photography I shoot, for the most part!.

It would be nice to have a nice 500mm telephoto lens, or a 16mm lens!. It's fun to dream!. Maybe one day I'll hit the lottery!

What I NEED is a photolab that does in-house b/w developing on my side of the city! I don't have the time or money to spend on running all the way into the city to get it developed!. I just have to take it to Wolf!. They have to send it out, so I just have to be patient and wait a week and a half for my film to come back!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I probably don't *need* anything!. I'd like to have the Nikon 17-55 f/2!.8!. The D300 would be nice :-) Lately I find myself pondering the Lens Baby!. Even though it is rather inexpensive (as photography gear goes) I just don;t think I would use it that much!. I haven't made a photography acquisition in well over a year, hmmmmmmmm!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There's only one camera for me!. That's the Hasselblad H3DII with a CF-39 back!. My daughter promised she'd buy me one when she graduates from college!. I think I have a better chance of getting one when I win the lottery!. But hey, a guy can dream, can't he!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I bought what I wanted, a 50mm prime, today!.
I need some extra UV filters!.Www@QuestionHome@Com